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News Feed Forums Vertical Farming What is “the world’s largest” vertical farm?

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  • What is “the world’s largest” vertical farm?

    Posted by craigfer on October 13, 2020 at 7:26 am
    Over the past six months, I’ve been researching vertical farms around the world and I’ve lost count of how many claim to be “the world’s largest”. Back in 2016, AeroFarms (via Gizmodo) was claiming that its vertical farm in New Jersey would be “the world’s largest”. Then, in 2018 CropOne (via Insider) made the same claim about another vertical farm in Dubai.

    I noticed that most of these companies make the claim before the vertical farm is even built, and they never produce any evidence to back up their claims after construction is complete. This raises the question of whether these giant vertical farms were ever realized and it also raises bigger questions around the viability of vertical farming at large-scale. If these giant vertical farms are so successful after completion, why don’t they talk about it?

    Another problem I’ve spotted is that the size of the vertical farm is often quantified in square footage. Are their measurements based on the floor plan of the building that houses the vertical farm? Or, are they adding up the square footage from each level of the vertical farm?

    largest vertical farm
    Surely the best way to quantify the size of a vertical farm isn’t by square footage, but by maximum yield in pounds or kilograms. And surely it should be backed up by hard data collected after construction is complete and production has begun. As a community, vertical farmers should be coming together and demanding evidence from companies like AeroFarms and CropOne.

    What do you think is the best way to quantify the size of a vertical farm? And do you think that vertical farmers should start sharing data on production?

    liam replied 9 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Myaerocrop

    October 19, 2020 at 10:46 pm

    Thanks for all this information provided, I really like the subject. I am interested in having a crop with this technology in my house, is it possible? is there any way to adapt it for homes and not for industries? also I would like to know in which countries this technology works? is the food grown organic?🥕

  • Myaerocrop

    October 19, 2020 at 10:50 pm

    I think that vertical farmers should share the data because we need to know if this project is profitable

  • Aeroponicol-123

    October 20, 2020 at 4:52 pm

    I would like to know more about the requirements that are needed to implement this cultivation system, the climatic conditions affect something or do not influence because they are crops with LED light? if I wanted to implement it in my country, where could I find the seeds? these can be normal or also different?

  • Mariamveggie27

    October 20, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    Hello! I am also very interested, I am a vegan girl and would like to grow my own food, but i live in a small apartment and have no space to make a garden. how much would it cost to make one like this ?

  • liam

    October 25, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    Largest vertical farms in the world was AeroFarms. AeroFarms is based in Newark, New Jersey, USA, and it is known for its advanced indoor farming technology, which allows it to grow a variety of leafy greens and herbs in a vertically stacked system without soil, using aeroponics.

    Please note that the status of “the world’s largest” can change rapidly as new vertical farming facilities are developed and expandedT

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