Join us for the virtual SSCG Africa Agribusiness Summit 2021 on Thursday 28 January 2021 themed Accelerating African agro industry growth, productivity and value chain development; Tackling food waste and security challenges.
The half day-long summit will bring together stakeholders from governments, investors, business, academia and multilateral institutions to take stock of the agriculture and agro sectors in Africa and identify opportunities to enhance growth, efficiency, productivity and sustainability across agricultural value chains in support of smallholder farmers, agricultural products processing and boost food security. The summit will feature panel discussions, transformation talks and presentations on a myriad of topics and opportunities. Its aim is threefold: to highlight innovative solutions for growth, discuss areas for further investment and qualifiers for investment, and create an avenue for collaboration between the UK and African private and public sectors.
Join us to connect with like minded business leaders, investors, industry experts and entrepreneurs, to gain latest update, insights, perspectives, strategies and practical best practices.
Agricultural Market Opportunities, Trading, Investment, Project Financing and Insurance
Dr Issa Barro – Technical Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture & Rural Equipment of Senegal at Ministry of Agriculture of Senegal*
Dr. Babafemi Oyewole – Managing Director/CEO at The African Agribusiness Alliance (AAA)
Amath Pathe SENE – Director a.i, Sub Regional Office for Coastal Countries, West and Central Africa at International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Jacob Mwale – Executive Director of Zambian Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE)
Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli – Managing Partner of Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Limited and Co-Founder of AACE Food Processing & Distribution*
Providence Mavubi – Director of Industry and Agriculture at COMESA Secretariat*
Wanja Michuki – Member, National Steering Committee on the Implementation of Tea Reforms in Kenya at Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives
Jennifer Baarn – Head Of Partnerships at Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and fmr Deputy CEO of the Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor (SAGCOT) Centre
John Jakobsson – Investment Manager at AgDevCo*
Supply chains, Agri-tech, innovation, food processing, quality, efficiency, productivity, profitability, food security, climate change, ESG and sustainability
Roland Oroh – Founder and CEO of Nigeria Agribusiness Register
Dr Essam Yassin Mohammed – Climate Change Program Leader at WorldFish (ICLARM)
Pamela Kuwali – Chief Executive Officer at Civil Society Agriculture Network
Ndagijimana Jean Paul – Country Manager – Rwanda at Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Sheila Komen Keino – Regional Director, Partnerships and New Business / Malawi Fertilizer Systems Programmes Director at African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP)
Dr Helen Onyeaka – Programme director – Food Safety, Hygiene and Management Masters, Food Microbiology Lecturer – The University of Birmingham
Esayas Lemma Hayi – Director, Crop Development Directorate at Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia
Dr Dinesh Chauhan – Chief Operating Officer at the Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals
Michael Mamo – Managing Director of Addis Exporter Ltd (PLC)
Email us at to sign up and receive information about 121 Meet the Buyers, Investors and Suppliers follow up meetings where we will be connecting and discussing carefully selected bankable investment opportunities in details and effective ways to invest , supply products and services.
This opportunity will allow you to position yourself as a key business leader in this rapidly changing African Agri industry. Plus, you have guaranteed exposure to a worldwide audience of 1000+ Agribusiness leaders. You need to be a part of this movement, to showcase your latest innovations and solutions with an industry that is eager to learn.
For enquiries and discuss how you can participate and sponsor the summit, email us at
Senior Agri industry Audience: We go above and beyond to deliver a high level audience, ensuring your time is well spent with the key decision-makers
Generate New Leads and Book Meetings: With our b2b networking app, pre-book meetings with our high-level leadership audience, giving you access to hundreds of new business leads
Become a Thought Leader: Lead decision-makers through some of their toughest technology and business model challenges and become their go-to solution provider
Your brand in front of your prospects: We will work with you to get your brand in front of the prospects and clients that can transform your business
Be seen as a thought-leader: With hundreds of industry leaders and experts joining our events, your company can be seen as a thought-leader in the space. Whether that be via a panel session, presentation, interactive workshop and marketing materials.
Showcase your solutions and services: More than ever, industry needs solutions and with our exposure, you can share product brochures, the latest research, and business cards with prospects who need it.
Kickstart sales cycles: Whether that be “cold” prospects or familiar face to face acquaintances, the Networking at a SSCG Events will enable you to set up meetings with industry leaders and accelerate your business development efforts.
Find more about SSCG Agribusiness services at or Twitter @SSCGConsulting and hashtag #SSCGConsulting #SSCGAutomotive #SSCGSummit
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