Part of the Pandemonium: Urban Studies and Recovering from COVID-19 lecture series
Resilience has been an emergent theme in city planning and management in the 21st century and its relevance is both altered and underscored by our experience with COVID-19. How much can we apply from emergency and recovery planning efforts from other cities and other kinds of risks and disasters to our post-pandemic context? How much of the present pandemic demands a reconsideration of what it means to plan effectively for disaster? We address the new realities of considering urban resilience in the context of the pandemic and in the other slow emergencies still unfolding around us in climate, energy and other domains.
- Sarah Moser – Associate Professor, Department of Geography, McGill University
- Laurah John – Founder & CEO, Jua Kali, St. Lucia
- Anna Bounds – Assistant Professor, Sociology, City University of New York
- Alison Ashcroft – Managing Director, Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners
- Lilia Yumagulova – Program Director, Preparing Our Home
- Seth Klein – Adjunct Professor, SFU Urban Studies
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